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Sunday, May 9, 2010

Bikini TODAY

So I woke up an hour ago and stumbled in a bleary, sleep-eyed stupor to the scale. Here's the moment of truth...and...I lost 3.4 pounds! I almost couldn't believe it. I checked three times.

Despite the Starbucks incident and the insane hunger, I lost! But I do have some key lessons here.

1) With all the exercise I should have eaten more calories. Probably closer to 1600-1800 on the days with lots of activity. This is a LOT to lose in one week. 1-2 pounds is a healthier amount.

2) Check all nutrition before consuming it. That way I don't have a day where I blow it early. I feel like I usually have a sense of what is healthy and what is laden with calories and fat. But sometimes those pesky calories lurk in something that you would never suspect. And weight loss is all about calories in vs. calories out. You have to know how much you are consuming.

3) Man I exercise a lot! Big lesson here is that fuel is needed for my fitness.

So, now I better take the phone away from Baby E, get him dressed, finish stuffing last minute items into bags and get to the airport! Hoping that all goes smoothly.

Oh and I hope that I don't gain back these 3.4 pounds on vacation. Now that would be a big success to come back without the extra weight!

Stretch on!

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