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Friday, May 7, 2010

2 Days until Bikini...

I can see the finish's more day and then I'm headed on vacay!

I was busy for sure. I have packed, repacked and packed again. Traveling with a baby is a lot more complicated than just throwing some clothes and my curling iron into a bag...I also did some work, tackled three loads of laundry, fed, bathed, played with and snuggled Baby E and managed to stay up way later than I normally do - it is 11:15 pm right now for heaven's sakes.

Needless to say, today was LOOOONNNGGG. I was all on my own with Baby E since Ad man is in Orlando already. My two besties are out of town, my Dad is out of town, and my Mom and sister were busy. So, I was a little lonely after Baby E went to bed (which was early because he was fussy). The dog tried to keep me company.

So what does a girl do when she is bored, hungry and trying to get skinny for her bikini debut? Well she does Brazil Butt Lift of course!

I didn't teach today which is a rarity - two days this week with no classes. Weird. Anyway, I took Baby E for two walks today and that just didn't cut it in the activity department, so after he went to bed I popped in the DVD and shook my bum bum. I did the cardio and the sculpting portions. I think I will be sore tomorrow.

And after I was done, I popped the DVD in my bag to take with me on our trip. I almost always travel with a workout DVD or two. Hotel fitness centers are generally lacking and I figured it would be a good thing to do while Baby E is taking a nap.

Oh, what did I eat, you ask?

So, I better just admit that I kinda screwed up my diet this morning. Well...I didn't totally damage it, but misjudged the calorie count and ended up with very little left for the rest of the day - leading to major hunger.

I woke up and went to make my coffee and prepare my toast. I realized that I was completely out of bread and peanut butter. I have not gone grocery shopping since we will me gone for a week. Anyway, I decided to pop over to Starbucks and get a latte and some breakfast.

A skinny latte, oatmeal and reduced fat coffee cake later I arrived home. I had intended to save the coffee cake for a snack later, but ate all of it for breakfast. I was super hungry. I thought nothing of it - had a granola bar for a snack, ate a Cafe Steamer for lunch and had a few pretzels mid-afternoon. Then during Baby E's nap, I calculated the calories so I could see how much I had left for dinner. Ummmm...that can't be right...1400 calories? Wha-what? So I had...ummm...NO calories for the rest of the day. Big boo. And, did I mention that my little Starbucks trip cost me $8 and 760 calories? Umm, yes I'll take a double shot of calories, please.

Well, I knew that I couldn't skip dinner (skipping meals essentially sends your body into starvation mode. It hoards food and stores it as fat). So I had some slices of turkey and a few reduced fat Triscuits. Oh and a diet hot cocoa.

So in the moments when I'm supposed to be getting that major push to the finish line, I tripped and fell off the track. Darn it. I'll be mad if stupid Starbucks makes me not achieve my goal.

Well, there is always tomorrow, my friends. And for those of you that plan to go to my Kbox and Zumba class in the morning, you are in for an INTENSE two hours. And you have Starbucks to thank.

Calories: Reluctantly 1,850
Activity: Two walks + Brazil Butt Lift DVD (60 minutes)

And P.S. I'm hungry. Again.

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