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Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Easy Ways to Boost Your Metabolism

My sweet friend Katherine told me that she saw an interesting segment on Dr Oz about how to boost your metabolism. I was intrigued and had to share with my Naked Stretchers.

According to Dr Oz...

Exercise Less Intensity
Turns out that when the body needs energy during intense exercise it goes for the more easily metabolized foodstuff first: carbohydrates. Carbs are quickly turned into energy and require less energy to metabolize. So to burn the fat, you need to perform exercise more often and less intensely. Sure, intense exercise can burn calories and build muscle mass that will burn energy more efficiently. But it is the steady fire that will help to improve metabolism. The best strategy is to alternate brief intense exercise with slow and steady moderate exercise.

Drink Coffee and Tea and See
Coffee is a stimulant that contains caffeine. It can help you stay awake but also boost energy expenditure and speed up metabolism. So don't be afraid to drink a cup of Joe.

Green tea has compounds called phenols that have great thermogenic properties beyond that explained by its caffeine content. Give the green light to green tea and drink it hot or cold to promote energy expenditure.

Spice it with Heat
Some plants contain the bioactive ingredient capsaicin, which not only makes them spicy hot, but also doubles energy expenditure for 3 hours after a meal. Plants belonging to this family are a hot ticket for boosting metabolism. Include red peppers, cayenne, jalapenos, habaneros, and tabasco to recipes. It may also work to decrease appetite centers in the brain by boosting the release of certain neurotransmitters.

Ginger is also another good add. It not only aids in digestion but increases body temperature and metabolic rates as much as 20 percent after eating. Slice fresh ginger and stir-fry it with vegetables for an energy invigorating meal.

A few ideas of my own...

Ice, Ice Baby
I have also heard that drinking ice cold water can help boost metabolism since your body has to work harder to bring it back to 98.7.

Don't ignore the most important meal of the day
Breakfast is absolutely essential. You've heard of starvation mode, right? Well, when you deprive yourself of food for an extended period of time (even just skipping a meal), Your body goes into starvation mode. At night your body is deprived of food while you sleep, therefore your metabolism slows down. If your cells don't get enough nutrients they begin to function less efficiently on lesser amounts, and they actually store more fat in case of further "starvation." Ahh! No way do I want to store MORE fat!

Eat more protein
Protein is mostly amino acids, which are harder for your body to break down [than fat and carbs], so you burn more calories digesting them. Aim for a low-fat protein in each meal or snack - lowfat cheese, lean meats, fish, legumes or yogurt.

Six small meals
I know you've heard this. But it's true, small mini meals keep your metabolism firing 24/7.

Lifting weights
The more muscle, the more efficiently you burn calories. Grab that hand weight now!

Well, I'm off to get a glass of REALLY cold water now. Hope that these tips help you rev up your metabolism! Thanks again Katherine for the heads up!

P.S. I L-O-V-E hearing topics suggestions and health/fitness related info from my readers! Keep 'em coming!

Read more from Dr Oz at

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