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Monday, March 1, 2010

The Skinny Mom: Tip #2 - Eat Like Baby Eats

I recently introduced solids to Baby Elvis and it has been pretty fun to see him react to certain tastes and textures. Here’s the scorecard of favorites…

Momma give me that spoon, I can do it myself, this is delicious…
Sweet potatoes

Momma are you feeding me poison?

Sweet peas
Green beans
Rice cereal

His faces are priceless, by the way!

Anyway, as I am explore this world, I've become obsessed with ensuring he gets the right mix of milk, cereal, fruits and veggies. We haven't ventured into the world of meats yet, but when we do I think he will jump for joy (if he's anything like his Daddy and steak!) As I was frantically digging in the pantry for pears because I had to get him his daily fruit intake, I paused to think if I had had any fruit today? Hmmm…toast, coffee, salad, yogurt, Luna bar…nope no fruit.

I think we as Moms become so enthralled with our child’s nutrition that we neglect our own and grab whatever is convenient, which generally happens to be pre-packaged processed foods. While it is commendable that we are teaching our children healthy eating habits, they learn more by our actions than we can even imagine, it is a bit hypocritical. If Mommy doesn’t eat an apple or a cup of strawberries, why would Baby Elvis do so? If Mommy isn’t eating nasty sweet peas, then why should he?

My Skinny Mom tip is to eat what baby eats!

As a general rule, we limit the amount of sugar and fat that we give our child. Why don’t we limit ourselves? They are the ones that are growing for heaven’s sake. We certainly shouldn’t be growing, unless we are pregnant.

We ensure that baby eats from all food groups on the pyramid, so why does Mom skip the most crucial ones? Think about it.

Next time you are balancing the jars of baby food (or other foods), try and balance your diet the same way.

So, you know what I did? I gave Baby Elvis a jar of organic pears and then Mommy ate a jar of organic pears. Gotta tell ya, they were pretty darn good.

I think I’m going to go on the baby food diet…

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