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Monday, March 8, 2010

Chicken Salad Makeover

I hosted my first playdate!

When Ad Man Hub and I were taking lamaze classes before Baby E was born, we met this fun couple that was like our mirror image. The Mommy-to-be was adorable and chatty, like me, and the Daddy-to-be was a nice, good-looking, sporty guy like Ad man. (Yes, I called myself adorable). We all hit it off immediately. The mommies talked about aches and pains and the dads talked about their pains - their wives. Ha!

Ok, so our new friends had a little girl (we'll call her the Miss) the day before Baby Elvis was born.

Ok, so there is your background. Me + Baby E + other new Mommy + the Miss = playdate.

Well, I had to be all fancy of course, so I planned a fun and healthy menu for the moms and laid out a spread of toys for the little ones. I gotta tell you, I love chicken salad, but HATE mayo. It's on my list of "do-not-eats." But, I whipped up a little number for us and had to share. Try it with or without a playdate.

Playdate Chicken Salad
Serves 2

2 chicken breasts baked, cubed (just season with a little salt and pepper)
2 TBS of light sour cream
1/4 cup fat-free mayo
1/4 cup craisins
fresh basil, finely chopped (to taste)
1/4 cup red onion, chopped
Salt and pepper to taste

Hello! So easy! Just mix it all up and refrigerate for at least one hour. Serve on romaine lettuce.

I served the chicken salad/romaine with fruit salad (garnished with lemon juice and some chopped basil) and mini blueberry muffins.

Playdate was a success! Kids played, minimal tears, Baby E ripped the bow out of the Miss's hair, lunch was delish, Moms dished.

And my Aunt will ask about nutrition content for the chik salad [sigh] so here 'tis...

Calories: 275
Fat: 3 grams
Fiber: 3 grams

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