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Thursday, January 14, 2010

The Skinny Mom: Tip #1 - Bjorn it

I'm a Mom. A lady who carried a child inside of me for 9 months. A strong person who gives hundreds of hugs and kisses daily. A teacher. A nurse. A best friend.

Being a Mom is THE most wonderful job that I've ever had. Hands down.

I have many friends that have recently had little ones like me and are trying to shape up the body that baby built. So, I am going to give a tip every week or so in the course of my blogging geared toward shaping up with baby in tow, called "The Skinny Mom." Here's my first tip. I tried it today and it was a winner.

Bjorn It
We recently bought a Baby Bjorn and this morning I decided to test it out. I bundled up Baby Elvis and positioned him facing out. I then grabbed the leash and the dog and went for a walk. We walked for probably 30 minutes, not at a brisk pace, but a good steady walk. Baby Elvis is about 17 1/2 pounds, so I figure I burned roughly 160 calories and got a decent leg strengthening workout.

It was nice for both of us to get fresh air and the Baby Bjorn kept Baby Elvis close to me for bonding (and warmth) sake.

Try this out Mommas. Use your bambino as an extra weight to lose the weight!

If you are looking for a Baby Bjorn, you can get it at Walmart, Babies "R" Us and other online retailers. There are lots of Bjorn knock-offs that work just as well, too. Here's the link to check 'em out:

Baby Bjorn


Kendall Lamar said...

A great thing about the Bjorn is that you can also trade out straps fairly quickly: Xsmall for mom and Xlarge for dad (if needed), so baby can walk around with daddy, too! After we had twins, we had two Bjorns we just traded back and forth. Wendy went with a sling for our last baby, and we'd given the Bjorns away to friends, so I really missed walking around with a kid strapped to my chest.

Meghan said...

I know it's so sweet having him close to me like that :)

Evan hasn't tried it yet, but I bet once he does he will be hooked!

Hope all is well with you and you had a fabulous b-day!!!

Unknown said...

That is a GREAT tip that I strongly agree with! Keep in mind the baby WILL GET BIGGER and eventually be too heavy for a front carrier :-) This does not mean you need to move to a stroller! Instead transition to a backpack carrier (Kelty makes a great one!). If you don't want to splurge on a new one, buy one on eBay. Share it with your friends as your kids move through the stages of development to further defray the costs, and help your friends get back in shape too.