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Friday, September 25, 2009

My sugary affair

Sugary goodness has a new name and it's called Truvia!

I know that I've told all of you about the sweet tooth that is the biggest challenge to my healthy lifestyle. Well, to help sweeten the deal I've been pretty dedicated to Splenda since it's appearance on the market a few years ago. It graces my coffee, sweetens my fruit and lightens up my homemade cakes.

But I recently had the pleasure of adding Truvia to my grocery list (behind Splenda's back). I have to admit that my loyalty is waning. Truvia is pretty darn good. It tastes more like sugar to me and is supposedly natural. Here's what the Truvia site says:

Water. Sunshine. Nutrients from the earth. That's what goes into the stevia plant. Then nature works her magic and creates a wonderfully sweet taste.

Next, we steep the leaves, much like making tea, that begins the process of capturing rebiana, the best tasting part of the stevia plant. Ultimately, this little leaf gives back a recipe for sweetness that's both delicious and zero-calorie guilt free.

I don't care how they do it. I love it. I have been sprinkling the glorious, sparkly granules into my coffee all this week and feel like I am treating myself to a high calorie, sugary latte. Delish. Plus I love that the granules look more like big sugar crystals that they put on Cosmos in Sex and the City. Man I wish that show was still on...

Truvia is a little indulgence in my diet-ish day. Have you tried Truvia? What do you think?


Steve said...

You want to stay away from Splenda and all of those other "fake" sweeteners. They are not good for you in the least bit.

If you like Truvia, then you'd like Zylitol and Stevia, which are both plant based sweeteners. You can get these at Whole Foods, Sprouts, Market Street, Central Market, and probably any Kroeger or Tom Thumb in their Organic section. I prefer Zylitol myself, as it doesn't have an aftertaste.

Good luck with your sweet tooth, and we'll see ya back at the office soon.


VividEpiphany said...

I've given up the artificial sweeteners altogether, too. Something about the neurotoxicity. I've been using organic blue agave nectar in VERY sparing amounts. I don't think it's killing me calorically. I've gone through about 30% of the bottle since May.

Great Blog, Meg. Keep up the good work!