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Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Just one more...

“Just one more.”

You know you’ve said it about tortilla chips at Mi Cocina.

You’ve said it about that one last drink when out with the girls. “Just one more cosmo.” Oh, that one hurt the next day.

You’ve even said it about one more top or skirt or pair of shoes while shopping. “Just one more” has gotten a bad wrap as an overindulgers famous last words. But what if you could take that “just one more” mentality and make it work in your favor?

Think about yourself sweating on the elliptical machine or the treadmill, whatever your poison may be. You have that cute new Nike top on and no one can blame you for wearing lip gloss while exercising. You look fab and are on your way to being at least 300 calories lighter. You glance at the time on the machine. 25 minutes. You just gotta make it to 30. That’s it. Then you are done. Then you can go home. Then you can be done with this torture device for the day.

But what if you went 31 minutes this time? Or 32 minutes? Or heck, 35 minutes? A 150 pound woman burns an average of 13 calories per minute during moderate cardiovascular exercise. If you went an extra minute during your cardio workout each day for a week, that’s almost 100 additional calories burned. And if you did 2 extra minutes, 200 extra calories a week!

Try it. It’s the little things that help you jump off that plateau!


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