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Monday, September 14, 2009

Losing Weight After Baby

I am a fitness addicted girl with high expectations for myself. Not losing all the weight packed on while pregnant is not only unsightly but bad for my health. "It's very critical that you do get the weight off, because if you don't it has been associated with overweight and obesity 15 to 20 years later in life," says Debra Krummel, PhD, RD, endowed professor in the University of Cincinnati department of nutrition. Being overweight (or carrying a few extra pounds) has been associated with a litany of ailments, risks and diseases. I have a miserable family history of heart disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, cancer and diabetes. It’s up to me to do whatever I can to fight those forces.

Whether you are a new Mom like me or perhaps had a baby several years ago and want to lose just a few pounds, I want you to join me on my journey.

Here is my plan:

1. Screw the diet: My immediate thought after I got home from the hospital was “bring on the fat-free, lo-cal, sugar-free foods, I gotta lose this weight.” However, after doing some research I realized this is not the way to go. Depriving myself of a few indulgences and cutting calories dramatically is not the thing to do for me or Ethan. I’m breastfeeding, so I need to ensure that I am taking in enough calories and nutrients to nourish the baby. I just have to create a balance between healthful foods along with some of my favorite pregnancy treats here and there.

Great idea in theory, right? To prove this theory works, I plan to keep a food journal and track my activity and weight loss. Stay tuned.

2. Breastfeed: Certain studies show that breastfeeding can help women lose baby weight more quickly. While that has not been proven, what we do know to be true is that breastfeeding is the ideal source of nutrition for baby. It is the best cocktail of nutrients, calories for healthy weight gain and immunities. Plus you get to eat a few more calories a day (perhaps that cookie you’ve been craving!)

3. Liquid Diet: No, I’m not talking about switching to a steady diet of cosmos, margaritas and wine. I’m talking about hydration. I plan to load up on water and juice. Water will help flush out all the toxins in my body and perhaps reduce the last bits of swelling. I am also addicted to Vitamin Water 10. It’s a nice break from regular water.

I will mix in a cup of coffee each morning and an occasional glass of wine.

4. Move More and More and More: Activity is the key to feeling good and looking good. Certainly one month postpartum is not the time for me to start training for a marathon, but easing back into a moderate workout routine is appropriate. I walk EVERY day. It’s a special time for me and Ethan to bond. I walk outside with the stroller most days but also try and get to an air conditioned place to get a walk in (it’s September in Texas for heaven’s sake!)

Last week I took Ethan to the mall to walk (and shop). He enjoys the movement and the change of scenery. I also dance around the house while holding the baby. He thinks I’m silly, but it gets me up and moving and still allows me to engage with my little one. I have even started working on some of my choreography for when I start teaching again!

This week, I dove back into the Group Fitness pool. Group fitness is an amazing way to get in shape and have a fitness support group. It’s amazing how many like-minded women you can connect with at the gym.

5. Have fun: Stress does amazing things to your body – amazingly bad things! I am just like every other new Mom; I am paranoid, sleepy and going through a whole host of hormonal shifts and emotions. But, I tell myself each day that I can handle whatever disaster diaper is thrown in my direction. You gotta laugh when you get peed on. You have to relish the small things like the accidental smile from your one month old when you tell him that his Mommy looks like a ragamuffin. You have to hold that baby as much as possible.

At the end of the day when he is finally swaddled, fed and rocked to sleep, he is the most precious angel and gift from God. It is the most fabulous responsibility that I will have. And it can be fun.

Join me. I have 11 pounds left to lose. Let’s see how this goes!

Soon to be skinny kisses,

Sources: CBS News Health


Katherine said...

Love the blog!

Something I do, as a working gal at my computer all day. I used to sit with my Nalgene bottle on my desk and realize it was still full at the end of the day! I would get so busy that even drinking water became hard to remember.

So I put a WATER appointment in my Outlook calendar... every time it pops up I take a few sips and then dismiss it for another 30 minutes. This way, every 30 minutes I've got a little reminder to drink my water. Its done wonders, I get at least 64 ounces just during my work day!

Meghan said...

Love it, thanks Katherine! Gotta try that one!