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Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Exercise at Home – Forget Jane Fonda

Take advantage of the newborn nap. My little guy sleeps for a long 3 nap in the afternoons and I take that opportunity to work on my fitness. I pop in some laundry, pop in a workout DVD and get moving.

My Mom was an aerobics instructor in the early days of fitness and was a devoted Jane Fonda fan. Mom, I love you, but the thong leotard and leggings are out and so is the "pony." I have a variety of fab home workouts, but TKB is my fave!

I am in love with Turbo Kickboxing (TKB) by Powder Blue Productions. I am an instructor for them and get updated material every 4-6 weeks. I can't wait until I see what Chalene Johnson (TKB creator and guru) has cooked up for me. I sweat, I guzzle water, I shower and feel like a million bucks! I typically burn anywhere from 400-800 calories depending on how much I jump, how deep I get into my twists and how hard I punch. Wanna ease that aggression, TKB it baby!

I know what it's like to be tired and want to just park my hiney in front of the tube and watch the Rachel Zoe Project. Set the DVR, darn it and move, move, move. The baby weight is going to fall off!

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