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Friday, December 11, 2009

December 11: Bring It

The rows of delicious cookies, trays of beautiful appetizers, creamy dips, chips, pies...

How do you survive the buffet line at that party? It's all so...good...but very bad...

The food spread at your holiday party may be stacked with unhealthy options. Don't give in and sacrifice your exercise and healthy eating regimen. Do something about it!

If you don't think that there will be healthy options at all the parties on your social calendar, then bring one. It's polite and customary to bring the host a small gift as a "thank you," right? Well, forego the wine or desserts and opt for a fruit salad, veggie tray or sugar-free jello. If you can't count on your host to think of your health, think of it yourself. It's like a little gift for you and the party attendees.

More tips coming at you tomorrow!

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