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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Bunco, Wine-a-rita and Makeup

Tonight was Bunco night for my Mom's group. Leave the kiddos at home with Daddy and go roll dice and drink. If you've ever played Bunco, you know that it takes zero skill and is just an excuse to have a bev and dish about kids, husbands and how you wish you had a flatter stomach. Right? Isn't that how it always goes?

Well tonight we talked about all those things, but also got on the topic of wearing makeup at the gym. The other Moms assumed that I always wear makeup to the gym and I was appalled! Ok, not appalled. I mean I can see why they might think that. But I am so not one of "those girls." And yes, I'm doing quote fingers. You know the girls I'm talking about. They have their hair all cute and fixed, they are wearing a tank and capri leggings that match their shoes. And they wear full makeup to the gym.

Well...I guess I fit the bill...except for the makeup part.

I teach several 5:45 am classes and have NEVER put on makeup before my classes. I just consider it a success to avoid hitting the snooze button 10 times (Ad Man loves that, let me tell ya). I usually get to the gym with 5 minutes to spare. That's 2 minutes in the car, to put on my shoes (yes, I put them on while driving) and to get my energy cranked up. No one wants an instructor that is all "it's too early for smiling and laughing and kicking your butt." No they want an instructor who wakes them up and makes them glad that they hauled their butts out of bed at an un-Godly hour just to be forced to do dozens of push-ups, tuck jumps, mountain climbers and run - a lot. And that is what I deliver.

And the other 3 minutes I have to spare are to say "hi" to everyone, get the music on and open up the weights. And nowhere in that 5 minutes do I have time for makeup.

So the only time I wear makeup is when I already have it on from earlier in the day - during evening classes - and weekends.

But, I will admit that I do like when I exercise with makeup on. If I look good, I feel good. I work harder. I'm more confident. I'm funnier. Well, ok, maybe not funnier. But I do think there is something to the confidence factor.

I did a little googling and it seems that this is a hot topic for a lot of people. Makeup or no makeup at the gym.

So my question to you is, are you bare-faced at the gym? Or are you rockin' a full face'o makeup?

Alright, now I'm off to do my abs and push-ups for the evening. I had a wine-a-rita at Mom's night - which is like a margarita but with wine instead of tequila. And ummm...the sugar was off the charts in it. Delish, but very costly in the calorie department.

P.S. Ad Man thinks this is a lame post. So opinionated that one:

Me: I'm blogging about wearing makeup to the gym.
Ad Man: Seriously?
Me: Yes. I'd like to know what people's opinions are on this one.
Ad Man: What happened to offering real workout advice? Like how to lose weight or whatever.
Me: This is super important. And of course a very pressing issue for women. Babe. Come on.
Ad Man: Lame.
Me: I'm hurt.
Ad Man: Lame.
Me: You're Lame.

Yes, I am very witty with my comebacks.

Nakedly Yours,


Peachy said...

Pretty obvious I don't wear make up to the gym I'm sure..haha. But I don't wear make up in general at all so that's a big reason why. Can't be great for your skin with it on while sweating at the gym though...


Jessica said...

When I worked out at the gym it was 50/50. Like you if I had it already on then yes, but I didn't doll up just to go to the gym if I was bare faced before. But in all practicality, since I'm dark skinned I didn't want my dark foundation to sweat off and stain my shirt!

Robin said...

Well, since I pretty much never wear make-up, it's pretty safe to assume I'm not wearing it at the gym. It doesn't bother me when other women do though. I just assume there's a hot personal trainer somewhere they are trying desparately to impress.