Here's a question posed by my sweet friend, Jennifer!
Q: I want a SMALL tummy... how do i get there... :)
A: So this is the age-old question for women - how do I get flat abs? I wish I had a magical trick to share, because I would love to do this myself! I will tell you that the solution is diligent exercise and careful, healthy eating. I'm still on the hunt for ab perfection, myself....
Not what you wanted to hear, I know. There are really two factors that play into a trim tum:
1) Genetics: Let's start at the beginning, when you were this cute little thing inside your Momma's tummy. You are part Momma and part Daddy, right? You get features and personality traits from both of your parents. For me, I have my Dad's nose and my Mom's small boobs. Sorry Mom, it's true! If you've seen my sister you know I speak truth. But luckily I also got my Dad's full lips and my Mom's energy. So, these are genetic qualities that I cannot change without some costly surgery. So your stomach (flat or not so much) is a genetic quality that you got from one of your parents. That's part one.
2) And part two: your stomach is a reflection of your diet and exercise routine. If you carry extra weight at all, it's going to likely land in your stomach (or hips, butt, back, thighs, arms - or all of the above).
If you want flatter abs, you MUST eliminate the fat over the abs, meaning 3-5 cardio sweat-sessions each week. You can do a zillion sit-ups, crunches and twists, but if you have layers of fat over those muscles you will never see them. You can get cardio in a variety of ways - jogging, cycle, dance, kickboxing, boot camp, cardio machines.
That's really the basics of it.
And here's the fun part. The tricks:
1) Interval training to burn fat: I talked about cardio above and we all know it's critical. But the best way to get bang for your buck with cardio is to mix it up to burn fat. This means interval training. Rather than jogging at the same pace for 30 minutes, for example, jog at a moderate pace for 3 minutes, sprint for 2 minutes, moderate for 2 minutes, sprint for 3 minutes, etc. It keeps your body guessing thus tapping into fat stores to accommodate. I do this in my Zumba classes, we'll do 2-3 high intensity songs, then one slower song, then get the energy back up again. This keeps the body guessing and reduces muscle memory.
2) Foods that can help flatten: The omega 3 fatty acids in olive oil, salmon and avocados can help reduce belly fat and are just plain good for you. Incorporate them into your diet whenever possible. And remember that weight loss is about calories in vs. calories out. You have to burn more than you consume.
3) Ab exercises: Yes, you should work your core to get ab definition. The best exercises to strengthen the core are not just plain 'ol boring crunches. You must work the rectus abdominis (top layer of muscles) as a crunch does, but also the internal and external obliques (the side abs) and the transversus abdominis (the deepest ab muscles).
Pilates, in my opinion, is the best way to do this. You could take a class or find a DVD on Amazon. I love this one: Pilates Intermediate Mat Workout
Here are also some of my FAVE ab exercises. Check out my vid...and please ignore the pooch that Baby E left's still pretty apparent when I do crunches. When I stand up it's not as bad. And Ad Man videos my bad side... (Ok, sorry for being vain for a second):
1) Abdominal roll-ups
2) Canoe rows/Crazy Ivans
3) Toe Touches
4) Bicycle
5) Pilates Kicks
6) TKB-style punch crunches
7) Side scissors
Do each exercise for two minutes at least twice per week.
4) Sugar and carb limiting: Some of the worst culprits of weight gain (and ultimately weight accumulation on abs) are white carbs, including sugars. Try to switch from white bread to 100% whole grain wheat bread, swap white pastas and rices for wheat and brown versions. And limit sugars found in candy, baked goods and hidden culprits like high fructose corn syrup.
The most important thing to remember is to set realistic goals. Though it's not an excuse to avoid cardio and ab work, your genes do play a role, as I mentioned before. Sometimes your body will just hang onto a layer of fat over abs. And this is especially true of women in their child-bearing years. Our bodies naturally do this to protect a potential baby. And there is often-times some extra skin that hangs around. Which is my constant battle...
This doesn't mean you can't improve your mid-section, but it does mean you need to set realistic expectations of your body. Not everyone can look like a super model, but you won't stand a chance if you sit around with one hand in the cookie jar. Slow and steady wins the race, so be patient as you reach your fitness goals!
Thanks for the great question Jen!
1 comment:
I have a question for "Ask Me Anything" and it IS Friday.
What do you think about these detox diets which seem to be the celeb fad du jour? Good idea, bad idea?
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