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Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Burn out, Ear Aches & Anniversaries

Have you missed me? It’s been like two weeks since I’ve blogged. My mother-in-law casually mentioned that she hadn’t seen a post in a while…Ad man asked me if I was still doing the “bare naked” blog (he clearly never reads)…and well my conscious has been nagging me a little each day…

So, why the delay? I would love to say that it is because I’m working on my book, or because I’ve been researching some particularly juicy posts or taking some awesome fitness certifications. Alas, none of that is true.

To be quite frank…I’m…burned…out. There, I’ve said it. Ahhh, the first step is to admit your problem.

Ok, so I’m not burned out with the blog. I love writing about my passions in health and fitness, but I’m a little worn out with the gym. I’ve been working out six days a week (usually twice per day) for months now. I’ve got aches and pains, bruises, dry skin from so many daily showers, spent hundreds of dollars on Powerade Zero, blemishes from sweating so much and way too much laundry from all the workout clothes. Sadly, the past few weeks the gym has become a place I dread going. So, how could I in good faith get on the blog and say “yay, yay, working out rocks, woo-hoo!”? My momma taught me right, “if you ain’t got nothin’ good to say, just don’t say anything at all.”

Thus my silence.

But after sitting in a doc in the box waiting room for two hours yesterday to get into see a doctor about the fact that I’ve been dizzy for a few weeks, I had an epiphany. Perhaps it was boredom. Perhaps I was dehydrated. Perhaps it was just time to face my demons. I realized I need to get my head screwed on straight. I love fitness. I love the gym. I love gym people (even the crazy guys that grunt and pound their chest when they lift a lot of weight). I need to get my fitness back on.

Wow, ok, so back up to the dizziness. So, I get dizzy a lot, especially when I workout. Which has contributed to my reluctance to go teach. I haven’t taken any time from the gym, but boy do I wish that I could just sleep in on those mornings I teach at 5:45 or just relax on the weekend and NOT teach three classes in a row (all cardio, mind you). Hopefully my classes haven’t noticed my burn out.

So turns out I have two ear infections, with fluid in one ear making me off-balance and dizzy. They also ordered a bunch of blood work (to be on the sage side) to see if I am anemic, have sodium issues, to check my thyroid, etc, etc. Oh and they are going to test to see if I’m preggo again. Wouldn’t that just be interesting?

The doctor asked me how often I work out and if perhaps I “over-train.” I smiled and said I workout “quite a bit.” How much is quite a bit? “Well six days a week for 2+ hours…” She paused, put her hands on her hips and said “I should tell you to cut back, but something tells me you wouldn’t dream of that.” I flashed another innocent smile and shook my head.

I was so worried that she was going to tell me that I HAD to cut back. And when she didn’t, it was like I could hear angels singing. And that’s when I remembered how much I love the gym.

Let me stand upon my soap box “naked” for all the world to see as I profess my love and devotion once again to fitness. I am back. I am rejuvenated. My classes better watch out.

Burn out is so common in many facets of our lives – work, relationships, hobbies and definitely the gym. Here are some things that I’ve done and am doing to beat this burn out:

1. Mix it up: It is rare that I take someone else’s class. I teach 10-12 of my own, so when do I have time to take other classes or to do just one more workout in my week? Well, variety is the spice of life and it is so motivating to try something new. So I am going to take a few classes from other rock star instructors.

And you, my naked stretchers, can try something new like a pole dancing class, for example. I teach at Choice Training in Lewisville and they are one of the premiere studios for pole fitness. OMG ya’ll. Incredible! It builds your self-image, self-confidence and is a major strength workout. And you might be able to use what you learn in other “extra-curricular activities” if you know what I mean…

If classes aren’t your thing, you can buy a new workout DVD (I am kinda in love with Brazil Butt Lift, I know you all have hear me talk about it…) Or sign up for a charity 5K, join a cycle or running group. Buy a jogging stroller…take more walks.

Whatever you normally do for exercise, mix it up!

2.Buy yourself something new: Do you really need a reason to shop? So, in all my gloomy, “poor-me-I-gotta-go-to-the-gym-again” misery I totally missed my fit-iversary! On April 1, I have officially been helping people get fit for three years! So, clearly I need to buy myself something to celebrate. I think I need a new pair of Zumba pants, or more shox – or both. Anyway, buying some new workout gear will help you get excited about hitting the gym again, if anything to show it off. If you look good, you feel good.

3. Take it easy: I think we dread the gym sometimes because it will be “hard.” We’re tired or hungry, whatever. Well, what if you told yourself, “I’m just going to do a light workout today.” I’ve done this, and you know what? I end up working harder! Maybe it’s all those clever little endorphins or maybe I’m just competitive and can’t let that super cute and fit girl show me up. Either way, I trick myself into the gym and it ends up working to my advantage. It’s a little way to manipulate yourself. Heck, you’ve been manipulating your man for years…Ad man if you are reading this, I never manipulate you. Ever. [Insert big shiny smile here].

4. Take a day off or even a week: Sometimes we really can overdo it. I read in Self magazine that if it takes you longer to recover from your workouts than two days, then you have overdone it. This means that if you are HIGHLY sore, meaning you cannot sit down or get our of a chair without groaning for more than two days, or you are so tired that you cannot get out of bed or you are too tired to Google (or read Stretch Naked), then you’ve gone too far! There are some exceptions, however. Any new workout may take you longer than that to recover.

Also, I am a full believer in a wild workout one day a week (hello Saturday kbox and Zumba), but you should follow that with a day of rest (light or no workout).

I am friends with a personal trainer that highly recommends taking a week off every 6 months or so. You need a vacation from work, right? Well, sometimes you need a little vacay from sweating. You will return rejuvenated and that first workout will be oh-so-good.

5. Suck it up, get your head screwed on straight: 99.9% of burnout is mental! Sometimes you just have to power through the crankiness and frustration to get back to your happy place. Which is what I did. And here I am…back – well, with a new outfit and a prescription for nasal spray to clear the fluid in my ears. But back, nonetheless.

Now lace up the shoes, grab a Powerade Zero and hit it!

Oh and it really is my fit-iversary this month, so I would appreciate presents. Cash works, too.

1 comment:

Kristin said...

So glad you're back Meghan. And didn't notice any burn out in Saturday's kbox class! Still kicked my booty.