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Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Lolli Lollipop

Sugar! Argghh! Why do I love you SO very much?

If you’ve been keeping up with my blog, you know that I am pretty much a sweet-aholic. I don’t just like sweet things, I need them, I crave them. Well, my sugar-addicted pals, I have found yet another way to satisfy my sweet tooth.


You learned to love them as a kid. Only a lollipop in hand usually meant that you had to endure something awful, like a shot, a doctor’s visit, a trip to the tire store with Dad or a hard spelling test.

No shot needed for this tip.

I bought some Blow-Pops before I went in to be induced because I read something about sucking on hard candy gives you a little energy and such. I didn’t end up using any, but have a full bag of the sugary delights in the pantry. In a moment of sheer, sugar-craving panic last week where I had to choose between my husband’s pint of Haagen Daaz and a lollipop, I went for the lollipop.

Hmmm. 60 calories. No fat. Sugar, yes, but certainly the lesser of the two evils.

I am not necessarily condoning refined sugars, but feel like a lollipop here or there when in a sugar obsessed fit, is not the worst thing. The result – ZERO dessert for me this week. Just 3 lollipops.

One to try. Don’t tell your dentist I told you.

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