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Sunday, October 11, 2009

It's Snack Time...

My office buddy, Jennifer, asked for some smart snacking options and I have plenty of those to share. I am a snack freak.

Smart snacking to me is more than a low-cal dish to get you from lunch to dinner. It should be a balanced combination that keeps your blood sugar even and gives you an energy boost. Perhaps the most important component to a snack is how satisfying it is. I always balance a carb and protein. This will keep you from hitting the vending machine 20 minutes after you eat some random 100-calorie pack. Those things bug me, they are so unsatisfying. I could rant about those for an entire post. But I won’t.

So, here are my faves to stave off the hunger beast. Feel free to add a few of your ideas.

PB & A
Apple (I like Granny Smith’s or Fuji) 2 TBS peanut or almond butter (look for the natural ones out there, they are best)

This is the smart snacking version of PB&J. Replace the “J” with “A.” And we all know that “A” is for Apple. We learned that in kindergarten. I like to use a reduced fat version of peanut butter. It still tastes delish.

If you don’t have an apple, peanut butter is good on lots of things – bananas, celery, pears, whole wheat toast and pretzels. I keep a jar at my desk to make it easy.

Hummus Dip
Hummus Whole wheat tortilla OR raw veggies (like carrots or cherry tomatoes)

No instruction needed. Dip and enjoy.

Little bit’o’Guac
Guacamole Raw veggies (i.e., celery, carrots, cherry tomatoes or broccoli) OR corn tortilla

I think I eat avocadoes almost every day. Nature’s butter! Just don’t eat an entire avocado at a time. A little goes a long way. Dip the veggies or tortilla in the guac and say “yum.” Easy.

Turkey roll up
Sliced deli turkey (I heart Boar’s Head) Spicy mustard Small wheat tortilla

Spread the mustard on the tortilla, add turkey and roll away. This is so delish and easy. Try other options besides the mustard, too, like low-cal salad dressing, fat-free mayo or a bruschetta spread.

Low-fat popcorn and sliced almonds
1 packet of your fave low-cal popcorn (or air-popped is even better, since it sans processing) ½ cup sliced almonds (I use Diamond culinary sliced almonds) Spice of your choosing (if I want something sweet, I use Splenda and cinnamon. For a savory touch, use a seasoning salt and a dash of parmesan cheese)

Toss it all together in a bowl and separate into a 5 zip-loc bags. Yay, a portion control sized for the entire week. Be sure to store in the fridge if you use parmesan.

Yogurt parfait with almonds
1 small tub of your favorite yogurt (I love the Horizon organic) 1 handful of your favorite berry (mmm…blueberries) ½ handful of sliced almonds with no salt (I use Diamond culinary sliced almonds)

Mix it all together in a bowl and get back to your desk. I’m sure there are some emails to attend to.

Homemade Granola Mix
1 cup low-fat granola ½ cup dried fruit (I love craisins) ½ cup sliced almonds (again with the Diamond culinary nuts) ½ cup pretzels

Mix it all together in a bowl and separate into 5 zip-loc bags. Just like the popcorn mix above, you have a snack for the week. You can always add a little more sweet to the mix like a few (I repeat a FEW) M&M’s.

Laughing cow cheese
Light or fat-free Laughing Cow cheese Wheat melba toast

Just spread one wedge on a few melba crackers and bring on full!

Let me know which ones you like!

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