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Thursday, September 27, 2012

Avoiding an epic treat fail

Have you ever baked cookies, intending to eat 1, but instead eaten the whole lot of them?

No....Me neither. [insert awkward laugh and shifty lying eyes]

But if that ever did happen, you'd feel guilty, right? Like super guilty. So guilty that you decide to wash away your sorrows with more cookies. Ugh! Epic treat fail.

Well, I really wanted chocolate chips cookies today. Like fresh-baked. Like the delicious warm, gooey kind. So, I happened to stop by Target to grab a few grocery items and snagged some break-and-bake cookies.

After dinner, Big E and I broke off a few and plopped them into the oven. I put the rest in a ziploc bag and froze them.

We sat at the table together and share a few cookies and had milk (I had almond milk). It was a nice little moment too, sharing cookies with my first-born. He is getting so big!

So, I only ate 2 (and they were small). Hooray! Applause!

Ok, while not Earth-shattering it was a win in a lot of ways. I was able to portion control, baking a few, therefore not able to eat too many. And there weren't sweet treats tempting my son either.

He is notorious for having a treat at night and then demanding it for breakfast the next morning (ahem...temper tantrum style). But out of sight, out of mind for both of us!

 Just a tiny tip to get you one step closer to your goals in the health department. Or at least you aren't too many steps back.

Enjoy your evening Naked Stretchers!

Picture courtesy of Getty Images.

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