Search Stretch Naked

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


I should be sleeping but I'm staring at my stomach and wondering why it won't go flat. Upper abs - they look pretty good. There is some tone and I can see my ribs slightly - in a thin, toned way, not a "wow, give that girl a sandwich way." Lower abs - pooch. Am I destined to have this excess forever?

I guess I have to make a decision - starve myself, agonize over everything I put in my mouth, workout even more than I am now (is that possible?) and maybe get those flat abs.

Or live my life, eat healthfully, but not obsessively. Exercise as I do for enjoyment and of course overall fitness.

I guess I choose the latter. Happiness first for sure.

My fitness idol Chalene Johnson says that it's more important to have your priorities in order than to have six-pack abs. I agree. Ad man, Baby Elvis, my passions are way more important than my vanity.  But they deserve a healthy Mom and wife. That is what I vow to do.

So Naked Stretchers, look at your problem area. We all have one. Look long and hard and figure out what you will do about it. Will you obsess? No. Will you take appropriate and realistic steps to correct it? Yes.

I mean you gotta give yourself a little wiggle room for chocolate cake for heaven's sake!

Short and sweet post tonight. Oh and by the way, the no sugar thing is SO not working. Going to give it a shot again during Lent. I have much higher reasons than myself during Lent, so maybe it will work.

Over and out.

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