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Wednesday, November 3, 2010

How many times a day do you think about food?

They say that men think about sex every three minutes. Well, I think about food (or the lack thereof) about every two minutes. So take that sex!

I think about what I'm going to eat. When I'm going to eat. When is it ok to eat again? Can I eat that? Or can I eat this? Should I eat this? What should we have for dinner? What should I feed Baby E for lunch? What should I have for lunch? Do we have anything sweet in the house? How many calories are in that? How many calories have I had today? Maybe if I chew gum I won't be hungry goes on and one. Probably every two minutes.

And you know what? I don't think that I'm dissimilar to any of you. I am not on a "diet" per se. Just living a lifestyle of moderation. I don't have an unhealthy relationship with food. It's just pretty central to life. And this constant inner dialogue is what keeps me in check. I don't consider it unhealthy or an obsession. It's just who I am and how I keep myself steady.

So I'm your average woman, muddling through the day thinking about food.

I'd actually prefer to think about sex every three minutes instead. Wow, that is lot, though, huh?

So how often do you think about food? Or sex? Or both?

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